Edit Portfolio
Here are all operations you can execute from an original portfolio:
Simple Deposit: Deposit stablecoins or cryptocurrencies from your web3 wallet to your Nested portfolio.
Proportional Deposit: Purchase every token owned in your Nested portfolio according to their current allocation.
Buy: Buy any tokens with stablecoins owned in your web3 wallet or your Nested portfolio.
Edit allocations: Adjust your portfolio assets' weight.
Simple withdrawal: Withdraw stablecoins or cryptocurrencies from your Nested portfolio to your web3 wallet.
Proportional withdrawal: Sell all tokens contained in your Nested portfolio according to their current allocation and against a specific stablecoin or token. It's also with this feature you can sell your entire portfolio.
Buy/Sell/Convert: all actions you can do directly from your cryptocurrency allocations.
Deposit / Buy crypto / Convert: all actions you can do directly from your stablecoin allocations.
Last updated
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